
django-firefence is a project developed to provide firewall style request filtering to a Django project at the application level or at the view level.

The library is compatible with Django >= 1.8.


Installing django-firefence is easily done using pip. Assuming it is installed just run the following from the command line:

$ pip install django-firefence

This command will download the latest version of django-firefence from the Python Package Index and install it to your system. More information about pip and pypi can be found here:

Alternatively you can install from the distribution using the setup.py script:

$ python setup.py install

You could also install the development version by running the following:

$ pip install django-firefence==dev

Or simply install from a clone of the git repo (recommended for contributors to the project):

$ git clone https://github.com/rehandalal/django-firefence.git
$ mkvirtualenv django-firefence
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install --editable .



A Rule is the basic building block of django-firefence. They are objects that define what characterists of a request to match on and what action to take if they match.

You must define an action for all rules. This action must be one of either 'ALLOW' or 'DENY'.

You may also define a host for a rule. This host will match against the hostname or the IP address of the incoming request. This can be a simple hostname of the remote machine(eg: 'localhost'), an IPv4 address (eg: ''), an IPv6 address (eg: '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334'), an IPv4 subnet in CIDR notation (eg: '') or and IPv6 subnet in CIDR notation (eg: '2001:0db8::/32').

Finally, you may define a port for a rule. This will match the server port that the request is made to. Typically requests are made to port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS but if you have some kind of non-standard setup you can use this to filter accordingly. The port can be an integer or a string (eg: 80 or '80'), a string representing a range of ports (eg: '80:90'), a string with a comma-separated list of ports (eg: '80, 443') or a list or tuple of integers or strings (eg: ('80', '443') or [80, 443]).

If the host is not defined the rule will match all IPs or hostnames. Similarly, if the port is not defined the rule will match all ports. If both are defined, both must match.


``RuleSet``s are an ordered, iterable collection of ``Rule``s. They provide the list of rules for a request to be matched against. Rules are applied to requests in order. When a request matches a rule, that rule’s action is applied and all subsequent rules are ignored.

If there are no rules in a RuleSet there is no action taken. If for some reason you wanted to block all requests you would need to add a rule with the action set to 'DENY' and no host or port specified.

If a RuleSet only has rules with 'DENY' as the action, it will allow all requests except the ones that match one of the rules. However, if there are any rules in a RuleSet that have 'ALLOW' as an action, then requests are denied by default unless they match an allow-rule.


A Fence is a backend object that takes a RuleSet and defines what to do if a denial-rule is matched. The default backend provided by django-firefence simply raises a PermissionDenied error when a denial occurs.


All the settings are optional and can be set in your Django settings file as follows:

    'RULES': [
            'action': 'ALLOW',
            'host': '',
            'port': '80, 443',
    'DEFAULT_BACKEND': 'firefence.backends.Fence',

These are the available settings:


A list or tuple of default rules. These will be used by the middleware or the decorator (if not specified).

Each rule may be a dict or a Rule object.



An import path for the backend class to use. This backend will be used by the middleware and the decorator (if not specified).

DEFAULT: 'firefence.backends.Fence'